Wanted: responsible dog ownership in Lakeland Hills

Lakeland Hills can remain a great place to walk yourself and your dog, only if dog owners keep their dogs leashed and under control.

Lakeland Hills can remain a great place to walk yourself and your dog, only if dog owners keep their dogs leashed and under control.

My small dog and I were recently attacked by a large dog, on a leash, that broke away from its owner. Fortunately, we were not physically hurt, but the trauma remains for both of us.

Walking a couple of times a day, we have encountered, all too often, large dogs charging us. Many are running free, others on a leash have broken away from their owners. This latest event was an attack, not just a charge, and the dog was vicious … seemingly a surprise to the owner.

Our only self-defense at this point is to now carry pepper spray.

Please understand, Lakeland Hills Park’s rules and regulations are for everyone, not just some, and Lakeland Hills is not an off-leash park. Please keep your dogs in check and hold the leash firmly so we can all enjoy the benefits of Lakeland Hills.

My sincere thanks to everyone who gives careful consideration to my remarks.

– D. Larson