
ProstaFlow Plus Reviews – Is Prosta Flow Prostate Support Legit?

ProstaFlow Plus is a daily supplement by BioHealth Labs that claims to improve overall prostate healthy, reducing the constant pressure to urinate. It also helps men who struggle with weak orgasms and low testosterone levels.

What is ProstaFlow Plus?

Millions of men struggle with prostate issues after age 50, and insufficient support is given to them to battle it. Some people try to nourish their bodies with different foods and exercise, but the fact remains that regular screenings have become a necessity. For men who want to improve their prostate and stop waking up at night for bathroom breaks, there’s ProstaFlow Plus.

This formula is the result of the work of Pete Cooper, a medical researcher who previously struggled with his enlarged prostate. He gathered a team at BioHealth Labs to help other people to overcome the struggle that they had with their prostate, resulting in the creation of ProstaFlow Plus. So far, there have already been 30,000 people testing out the formula.

While this product was originally only set to be launched in the next six months, the creators focused on spreading the word to launch it as quickly as possible. The problem, as Cooper explains, is that a larger prostate causes pressure on the bladder and urethra, making men constantly feel like they have to urinate without actually emptying the former. This lack of emptying the bladder causes them to run back to the bathroom repeatedly, never able to go far for long.

To stop this ongoing bathroom problem, the creators focused on reducing inflammation in the prostate and supporting the immune system in the process. While inflammation may seem like a small concern, it can take a major toll on the prostate. By eliminating it, the pressure goes down, and men don’t have to stay close to the bathroom at all times.

Ingredients in ProstaFlow Plus

The ingredients in ProstaFlow Plus help consumers to gain control over their prostate. All these ingredients are natural, but they are no substitute for medication. Individuals who believe their prostate issue is a matter of medical concern should speak with a doctor as soon as possible. However, if they want a therapeutic approach, they can take advantage of the ingredients found here.

ProstaFlow Plus includes:

  • Calamine
  • Pepita
  • Saw palmetto

While three ingredients might seem like a relatively simple and small concoction, each one has a way of supporting prostate health. Read on below to learn more about the effects that each ingredient offers.


Calamine is included for the impressive way that it improves the immune system. According to recent studies in 2017 (cited by the creators of ProstaFlow Plus), this ingredient can reduce innate immuno-inflammation, which they claim is the culprit behind the swelling of the prostate. If the body doesn’t get enough calamine, it can lead to substantial inflammation and terrible damage to the cells within the prostate. It allows TLR4 receptors to gain control, which will worsen any of these prostate issues.

Research also shows that calamine has residual benefits for the rest of the body as well. Most often, it is a topical remedy for pain, itching, and other types of discomfort associated with exposure to poison ivy or poison oak.


Pepita, another name for raw pumpkin seed, helps users reduce inflammation, targeting the white blood cells that would ordinarily help with healing. Unfortunately, when the immune system doesn’t function properly, these white blood cells exhaust the body with inflammation. Pumpkin seeds can reduce the swelling in the prostate by up to 50%, which makes it a perfect ingredient for people suffering from inflammation. These seeds also help with mood regulation and sleep because they are rich in zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper.

Saw Palmetto Berries

Saw palmetto is the final ingredient of this formula, and many men are already familiar with it. In naturopathic medicine, it works as a remedy for BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), which is another term to describe prostate gland enlargement. This condition primarily impacts older men, but it is exactly the problem that ProstaFlow Plus aims to solve. Saw palmetto is also associated with improved testosterone levels, reduced inflammation, and supporting hair regrowth. While some research has been inconclusive, saw palmetto is used as a treatment for BPH in much of the world.

Purchasing a Bottle of ProstaFlow Plus

With the many products that are fighting for a spot in the supplement market, the best way to get ProstaFlow Plus is through the official website. There are a few different packages available, ensuring that consumers can get the number of bottles that suits their needs.

The packages include:

  • One bottle for $69
  • Three bottles for $177 ($59 each)
  • Six bottles for $294 ($49 each)

Plus, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee for anyone who isn’t happy with the results. You can contact customer service with questions or inquire about a refund by emailing them at ProstaFlowPlus@gmail.com.


ProstaFlow Plus provides the path to reduced inflammation in the prostate, as well as the rest of the body. All three main ingredients target inflammation in some way, stopping the pain and constant urgency associated with an enlarged prostate gland. While some circumstances may require medical attention, the use of a supplement naturally promotes a healthier environment. Plus, if the user doesn’t get the relief that the creators claim they can get, they can return the product within two months to get a full refund. Visit the official website to order ProstaFlow Plus today!



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