AAA cautions: Kids, cars, congestion coming to a school zone near you

As 56 million students across the United States get ready to start the 2010-2011 school year, AAA reminds motorists to be aware of increased child pedestrian activity and traffic congestion in and around neighborhoods and school zones.

As 56 million students across the United States get ready to start the 2010-2011 school year, AAA reminds motorists to be aware of increased child pedestrian activity and traffic congestion in and around neighborhoods and school zones.

With more than half of those students in elementary school, typically age 14 and younger, AAA urges drivers to be especially cautious and alert during the morning and afternoon hours.

AAA’s School’s Open – Drive Carefully campaign was launched in 1946 to help reduce the number of school-related pedestrian injuries and fatalities. AAA offers the following advice for motorists to keep children safe as they navigate their way through school zones.

• Follow the speed limit. The speed limit in a school zone in Washington is 20 mph. An impact at 20 mph is much more survivable than one at 30 m.p.h. Children are unpredictable and may have difficulty gauging the distance and speed of an approaching car.

• Look for AAA School Safety Patrollers. With more than 22,000 AAA School Safety Patrollers at 800 schools across Washington, they’re a sure sign you’re approaching a school zone.

• Come to a complete stop at intersections with stop signs. Research shows that more than one third of drivers roll through stop signs in school zones or neighborhoods.

• Always stop for loading or unloading school busses. It may be tempting to drive around stopped school busses, but not only is it dangerous, it’s against the law.

• Eliminate driver distraction. AAA research shows that taking your eyes off the road for two seconds doubles your chances of crashing. Putting down your phone makes you a safer driver and sets a good example for young passengers and pedestrians.

• Plan Ahead. Leave early for your destination and build in extra time for congestion. Modify your route to avoid school zones and traffic.

AAA Washington has been serving members and the traveling public since 1904. The organization provides a variety of exclusive benefits, including roadside assistance, discounts, maps and personalized trip planning, to its 995,000 members. In addition, its full-service travel and insurance agencies provide products and services for members and the public. Additional information is available through the company’s 26 offices in Washington and northern Idaho, at, or by calling 1-800-562-2582.