Auburn artist awarded at Puyallup Fair

Auburn Riverside High School's Taylor Wega captured a blue ribbon for "Mom's Memory" at the 24th annual Junior/Senior High School Art Show at the Puyallup Fair.

Auburn Riverside High School’s Taylor Wega captured a blue ribbon for “Mom’s Memory” at the 24th annual Junior/Senior High School Art Show at the Puyallup Fair.

Kathy Lobdell is Wega’s instructor.

The show featured many art mediums, including pencil, paintings in acrylic, oil paintings, and watercolor. The exhibit also showcased various printing methods and unique mixed media creations.

In other Fair contests, with Auburn’s top finishers:

Goat competition at the Washington State 4-H Fair

• Reserve Champion, Meat Goat Fit & Show, Junior, Janelle Delfina, Auburn

• Reserve Champion, Crossbreed Meat Goat Junior Doe, Delfina

• Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat, Delfina

Puyallup Fair Fine Art show

• Computer Art: Third place ($75 prize): Elizabeth Sala of Auburn

• Drawing: Third place ($75): Marie Lyndemere of Auburn; fourth place ($50): Debra Cepeda of Auburn

• Miniature: Second place ($150): Debra Cepeda of Auburn

• Oils: First place ($250): William Bond of Auburn

Contestants throughout the western United States and Canada competed in several beef cattle categories ranging from Angus to Simmental.

Junior Angus Show:

• Junior Champion Showman: Tianna Johnston-Donovan, Auburn

• Best Exhibit: Shorthorn, Angus, Simmental, Four Head or Less: Adam Donovan, Auburn