Auburn Days returns this weekend

Downtown comes to life this weekend with the annual Auburn Days – a diverse festival celebrating the city and its people.

Downtown comes to life this weekend with the annual Auburn Days – a diverse festival celebrating the city and its people.

The three-day festival features a grand parade at noon Saturday on Main Street.

The weekend includes a street dance, continuous entertainment, food booths, a community barbecue, crafts, a classic car, truck and cycle show and juried art shows.

Auburn Days, King County 4 Culture, Adventure Books of Seattle, Booktrope, and Auburn Striped Water Poets present Auburn Days Poets on Parade and Other Literary Adventures on Saturday and Sunday. The public is invited to take in the program at the Auburn Avenue Theatre, 10 Auburn Ave. It is free to the public.

There also will be a small press fair and book swap. Bring a book and trade it for one on the book swap table for free.

For more details, visit