Construction to begin on Les Gove project

The Les Gove Neighborhood Improvements – Phase 1 Project will begin construction activities next Monday, May 18. (See map). Project construction is expected to last until December.

The construction work on F Street Southeast will require reducing traffic to alternating, one-way traffic; expect delays. When construction work requires restrictions to on-street parking, the contractor will place signs stating the specific dates and times when parking will be restricted at least 48 hours prior to commencing work in the area.

Access will be maintained through the construction zones and there are no road closures scheduled at this time; however, traffic will be impacted around the construction zones and it might be necessary to reroute pedestrian walkways around the construction activities.

The project will begin with utility locating and will be followed by sanitary sewer construction beginning on F Street Southeast; a second crew will simultaneously begin water main construction at F Street Southeast and work eastbound. Storm drainage improvements, road reconstruction, pavement patching, and pavement overlays also will be performed as a part of the project.

The City has contracted with R. L. Alia Company to construct the project.