Lea Hill principal captured, taped

Ed Herda learned a humbling lesson from his resourceful students.

Ed Herda learned a humbling lesson from his resourceful students.

Never underestimate the power of a PTA fundraiser.

The Lea Hill Elementary School principal undoubtedly will raise the bar higher the next time the school’s PTA supports a benefit.  Students raised about $12,000 during the Mustangs’ fall Trot-a-thon, a benefit for PTA-led activities at the school. That amount surpassed the $9,000 goal and forced Herda to made good on his promise – get duct-taped to a wall at school for all to see.

Captors also taped a purple UW on Herda, a diehard Cougars fan.

A cooperative Herda took it all in stride as smiling parents, staff and students teased their principal and shared laughs with him last Friday.

“Absolutely (it was worth it),” Herda said of the friendly two-hour, public humiliation episode. “We need the funds, although we will raise the goal for next year. What I learned from this is our kids are highly motivated.”