VRFA fire and rescue blotter | Dec. 5

The Valley Regional Fire Authority responded to 199 calls for service between Nov. 24 and 29, among them the following:

The Valley Regional Fire Authority responded to 199 calls for service between Nov. 24 and 29, among them the following:

Nov. 24

Aid call: 5 p.m., (Lea Hill). After firefighters evaluated a man who had fallen getting up from his chair, he refused further treatment so firefighters left him in his family’s care

Nov. 25

Aid call: 6 p.m., (South Auburn). After firefighters determined that a baby boy with a fever who’d been struggling to breathe had croup, somebody drove him to a local hospital for treatment.

Nov. 26

Swift water rescue: 8:37 a.m., (Mutual Aid Renton). In keeping with an automatic aid agreement to help the Renton Fire Department, Valley Com dispatched VRFA’s water rescue team to help a woman and a 5-year-old boy whom witnesses had reported seeing adrift in the Cedar River. After rescuers pulled the woman from the water, they started an extensive search for the child. The “child,” however, turned out to have been the woman’s dog, which somehow made its wet and shivering way home. No VRFA members were hurt in the five-hour-long operation.

Nov. 27

Aid call: 12:45 p.m., (Auburn). Residents along the Green River reported seeing someone splashing near the edge of the river along a trail. Police and firefighters met the man on the trail, evaluated him and escorted him out to an ambulance, which transported him to MultiCare Auburn Medical Center (MAMC).

Nov. 28

Car vs. pedestrian: 1:01 p.m., (Lakeland Hills). Firefighters treated a senior citizen who’d been struck by a slow-moving passenger car, and an ambulance motored him to MAMC.

Nov. 29

Aid call: 12:56 p.m., (Algona). Firefighters evaluated a woman with abdominal pain, and a private ambulance drove her to a local hospital.