VRFA fire and rescue blotter | June 13

The Valley Regional Fire Authority received 219 calls for service between June 2 and 8, among which were the following:

The Valley Regional Fire Authority received 219 calls for service between June 2 and 8, among which were the following:

June 2

Smoke investigation: 6:43 p.m., (Algona). Firefighters called to investigate the source of a large column of white smoke near Highway 167 quickly found its source — a homeowner burning yard debris. After firefighters schooled the homeowner on burning regulations, they made him or her extinguish the fire.

June 3

Patient assist: 10:34 a.m., (Lakeland Hills). Firefighters helped a baby who got her leg stuck in her crib. The baby was not hurt, and firefighters left her in her mother’s care.

June 4

Aid call: 7:37 p.m., (Auburn). After firefighters treated a female with anxiety issues, a private ambulance transported her in stable condition to Valley Medical Center.

June 5

Accident: 12:09 p.m., (Lea Hill). Firefighters responded with Kent Regional Fire Authority to a two-car accident on westbound Highway 18 East of C Street and treated one person for minor injuries before a private ambulance drove that person to MultiCare Auburn Medical Center (MAMC) for additional treatment.

June 6

Aid call: 5:30 p.m., (Auburn). After firefighters and King County Medics assessed a woman who’d been complaining of chest pain, medics transported her to MAMC for more treatment and evaluation.

June 7

Patient assist: 9 p.m., (Pacific). Firefighters helped an older man, who had no complaints of injury or illness, from his chair in his bedroom to his chair in his living room, then left him in the care of in-home care staff.

June 8

Service call: 2:14 p.m., (North Auburn). Valley dispatched firefighters to provide support to Auburn Police and the Port of Seattle Bomb Squad while they were destroying suspicious explosive devices that somebody had found in an alley. The devices were destroyed without incident.