VRFA supports national seat belt safety campaign

Nationally, 12 firefighters lost their lives due to motor vehicle crashes in 2007. In fact, vehicle crashes are the second-leading cause of firefighter deaths in the line of duty.

Nationally, 12 firefighters lost their lives due to motor vehicle crashes in 2007. In fact, vehicle crashes are the second-leading cause of firefighter deaths in the line of duty.

Fire service organizations in the state, including the Valley Regional Fire Authority, are required to wear seat belts, but this is not the same throughout the country.

This year, during their June 22-28 Fire/EMS Safety Health and Survival Week, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) strongly encouraged all fire departments to review their current seat belt policy, or establish a seat belt policy if one doesn’t exist.

To demonstrate their commitment to seatbelt safety, the IAFC and IAFF are asking all department personnel to sign a personal pledge, in support of 100 percent seat belt use by all fire personnel.

Last Wednesday, VRFA firefighters held a ceremonial signing of the pledge to kick off the campaign. Fire Chief Stan Laatsch and Local 1352 Union Executive Board Member Rick Olson were the first to sign their names. The pledge will soon hold the names of all VRFA members. These names will be added to a national list of fire and emergency medical services personnel.

Laatsch felt it was important to support the national seatbelt compliance effort.

“It is imperative that all fire and emergency service agencies continue to focus on seat belt safety,” he said. “We have definitive proof that the simple act of wearing seat belts can save lives.”

For additional information on this campaign, visit IAFC.org or IAFF.org.