Auburn calendar of events | April 22


Auburn Tourism: For special events in the Auburn area, visit the Web site:

Community Garage Sale: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., April 25, Veterans Building, Veterans Memorial Park, 405 E St. NE. The Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department’s Auburn Youth Council will conduct a fundraising garage sale. Proceeds to help the Relay for Life. Anyone interested in donating items to the sale can drop off items today, from 1-6 p.m., at the Veterans Memorial Building. The Auburn Youth Council will be selling hot dogs, chips and beverages during the sale on Saturday. For more information, contact Kjerstin Hardy at 253-931-3074 or

Lions Club Special Needs Youth Fishing Derby: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., April 25, Auburn Mill Pond Park, 600 Oravetz Road. Lions of Zone C-3 invite youth 14 years and under with special needs and their families to the free derby. Bring your pole and some bait. Limited number of poles and some bait will be provided. Sumner Lions will provide food and beverage at nominal cost. 253-921-3710 or 253-445-0385.

Join Cub Scout Pack 401: 6:30 p.m., April 27, Washington Elementary School, 20 E St. NE, Auburn. Boys kindergarten -fourth invited to join. New families invited to stay for the 7 p.m., Pack meeting. For more information, contact John Padgett at 206-902-2360 or

Auburn Mountainview High School Booster Club Spring Craft Fair: 9 a.m..-3 p.m., May 2, Auburn Mountainview High School, 28900 124th Ave SE , Auburn. No admission charge. For more information, call Terri at 253-217-0237 or Michelle at 253-288-1812.

Victorian May Day Tea: 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m., May 2, Neely Mansion, 12303 Auburn-Black Diamond Road, Auburn, just east of the Highway 18 Auburn-Black Diamond Road exit. Celebrate May Day with a spring fundraiser for the historic Victorian Classic Revival house built by early Washington pioneers. Tickets $15/person; advance registration required. Call Pat at 253-833-2116. Visit for details.

Forum on Youth Violence: 1 p.m., May 3, First United Methodist Church of Auburn, at 100 N. St. SE.. on East Main. Guest speakers include Bob Englehart (Auburn Youth Resources); Don Dotson (Auburn Police Department) and the Rev. Brad Beeman (First United Methodist Church). A range of issues will cover harassment, bullying, physical violence and gang activity. Practical strategies will be identified. A potluck meal at 12:15 p.m. will precede the program. Everyone is welcome to the potluck. For more information, contact Don Whitmore (253-833-2941).

Messiah Lutheran Church Art Show: 3-5 p.m., May 3, 410 H Street NE. Art displays, food, activities and crafts for youngsters and musicians. Open to the public. Professional and amateur artists of all ages will show paintings, sketches, sculpture, textiles and photography. Various musicians and vocalists, youth and adults, will perform in solos and groups periodically throughout the two hours. Children will be invited to participate in creating a wall mural and various activities and crafts. 253.833.5280.

Auburn High School Plant Sale: 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., May 6; 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., May 7-8, Auburn High School, 800 4th St, NE, via the 2nd Street entrance. Assortment of annual plants and hanging baskets. The plants are beautiful, and the prices are right.

“The Power of One Luncheon”: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p. m., May 14, Truitt Building, 102 W. Main St., Auburn. Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused Children, in collaboration with the state and the Fostering Together program, hosts celebratory luncheon, featuring an inspirational talk by foster and adoption expert Doug Sauder, author of “The One Factor.” Sauder will also honor local foster parents from the communities of Auburn, Kent and Federal Way. Tickets: $20 each, or $160 for a table of eight, and may be purchased by phoning Olive Crest at 425.462.1612, ext. 1312, or on-line at

Relay for Life of Auburn: 6 p.m., May 15-noon, May 16, Auburn Memorial Field, 801 Fourth St NE, Auburn. Join a team and support the fight to beat cancer now. Call Chrislyn Trust, 253-381-1444 or JD Drollinger at 206-406-3548. Visit to join a team.

Armed Forces Day Veterans Recognition: 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., May 15, Kent Senior Activity Center, 500 E. Smith St., Kent. Special commemoration of the Korean Conflict and other miliary events. Kent Firefighter Foundation luncheon to follow. 253-856-5164.


Skating for Miracles Night: 6:30-8:30 p.m., April 28, Auburn Skate Connection, 1825 Howard Road. Miss Auburn’s Allie Wallace will host a special night to help raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network. Baked goods will be on sale. Concession, games and raffle items also will be available. Admission: $3.50 with your own skates, 4.50 for admission and a skate rental. Family, friends, neighbors welcome.

The Kent-Auburn Tamba Sister Cities Association dinner, auction: 5 p.m., May 2, Green River Community College’s Lindbloom Center, 12401 SE 320th St. , Auburn. Proceeds will support local teens in funding their youth-exchange program, trip to Japan. $45 per ticket through April 17, $75 thereafter. To learn more about the event and to order tickets, contact Duanna Richards at 253-931-3099. Information also is available at The group also is accepting public donations for the program: Kent Auburn Tamba Sister Cities Committee, 12933 S.E. 246th St., Kent, WA 98030.

“Drive One 4UR School” : 11 a.m.- 4 p.m., May 2, Auburn Mountainview High School, 28900 124th Ave. SE. Lions Booster Club, in partnership with Scarff Ford of Auburn, will present a test-driving opportunity for those who want to check out the various models and aid student programs at the high school. The booster club will receive $20 from Scarff Ford and the Ford Motor Co. for each test drive taken. Proceeds will be help the school’s many clubs and organizations. Drivers, 18 years and older and one driver per family, are welcome to test-drive any one of eight Ford models and help raise much-needed funding for the school.

GriefWorks’ “Dahlias and Dessert”: 6:30-8 p.m., May 5, Veterans Memorial Building, 411 E St. NE, Auburn. Public invited to join longtime dahlia grower Mike Harbin for the fourth annual event. $20 donation includes dessert, coffee and tea, information about growing dahlias, two tubers to take home. Raffle will be held. Proceeds to support counseling and support for grieving children, teenagers and adults. RSVP: To reserve a space, e-mail or call 253-333-9420.

6th annual Auburn Symphony Gala: 6:30 p.m., May 16, Copper Falls Restaurant at the Auburn Golf Course, 29630 Green River Rd. SE. Wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres, silent auction, jazz ensemble. Tickets: $50/person. Dressy casual.

Messiah Lutheran Church Youth’s Bayou Lunch: 12:30-3 p.m., May 17, Messiah Lutheran Church, across the street from Auburn High School at 410 H St. NE. Money raised will support attendance at the ELCA National Youth Gathering Gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in New Orleans. Cajun and Creole food will be served. There will also be fun carnival games and lively entertainment. Tickets: $12 if purchased in advance, $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at the church office. For more information, call 253-833-5280.

Auburn Domestic Violence Task Force Silent Auction: 6-10 p.m., June 5, Auburn Eagles Club, 702 M St. SE. Evening includes dinner and dancing. Proceeds benefit domestic violence survivors and their children in Auburn. Seeking services, gift certificates, new or barely used Items for the auction. Contact Shelly David at 253-209-7922. (Taxable receipts will be provided)

Beat the Raven 5K: 9 a.m., June 20, Auburn Riverside High School, 501 Oravetz Road SE. Benefit supports the Auburn Riverside cross country team’s travel budget, with 20 percent of the profits going to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.


“Hope and Power for Your Personal Finances”: Noon-3 p.m. Thursdays, until May 21. YWCA and Jennifer Beach Foundation will offer a free financial literacy class for survivors of domestic violence. Class takes place at a confidential location in South King County. Childcare provided on site; transportation assistance available. Call or e-mail to register: 206-799-6209 or

“Writer’s Write, Right?”: 10 a.m.-noon, May 2. Author Deborah Taylor-Hough will be conducting a writing workshop at White River Presbyterian Church, 526 – 12th Street SE in Auburn, part of the church’s new First Saturdays program. Kids, teens and adults interested in writing – or just feeling overwhelmed with the process – are welcome to attend. 253-833-2990,

Art with Artists: Series of classes and workshops offered through the City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation. To register for these classes, contact the City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation at 253-931-3043, or in person at 910 Ninth St. SE, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Beginning Stenciling: For youth ages 11 and over, a four-week class taught by professional artist Chris Sharp. Participants will create their own set of stencils to compose an original poster while learning about composition, tint making, negative/positive space and more. Thursdays, May 7-28, 3-4:30 p.m., Les Gove Building, 910 8th St. SE, Auburn. Fee: $55 resident/$69 non-resident. • Drawing Fundamentals: Specifically designed for youth ages 7-12. The class will explore shading, space and form using charcoal and graphite alongside artist Danielle Meyers. Tuesdays, May 5-26, 5-6 p.m., Les Gove Building, Fee: $45 resident/$57 nonresident.

Women-only self-defense class: 9 a.m.- 1 p.m., May 9, Karate Northwest, 2109 Auburn Way N, Suite D. All proceeds from this seminar will go to the Auburn Food Bank to help with shelter. The food bank, along with a local law enforcement officer are sponsoring the event. Cost: $30. To sign up or for more information, please contact instructor Isaias Valdovinos at 253-833-7317.

Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation: City of Auburn offers a variety of classes, including creative arts, watercolor painting, Spanish, dance, buying real estate and more. Call for details. 253-931-3043 or


Auburn’s National Day of Prayer: Noon-1 p.m., May 7, Auburn City Hall Plaza, 25 W. Main St. Eleven Auburn pastors will lead a public prayer event in observance of the 58th annual National Day of Prayer. For more information, contact Marjorie Gordon, Auburn NDP coordintoar, at 253-735-1087 or

The Exit Youth: 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Open to students in seventh-12th grade. Come enjoy music, food, friends and fun. Lifegate Auburn Foursquare Church, 307 E. Main St., Auburn. 253-735-3153.


Auburn blood drives for Cascade Regional Blood Center: 877-242-5663 or

Puget Sound Blood Center drives: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., April 25, SuperMall, bus by Burlington Coat Factory, 1101 Supermall Way.

Understanding and Managing Diabetes: 6-7:30 p.m., April 28, Auburn Valley YMCA, 1620 Perimeter Road, SW. Join MultiCare Registered Dietician, Rita Nauer, RD, and Cardiovascular and Diabetes Service Manager, Pam Kozu, RN, to find out how lifestyle changes such as weight loss, activity, timing of meals, portion control and balancing food choices can help those with diabetes improve overall health. Advanced registration is required. Class is free. Members and non-members are welcome. Call 1-800-342-9919 for more information and class registration.

Exercise and Thrive: 9:30-11 a.m., Tuesday, Thursdays, beginning May 12, Auburn Valley YMCA, 1620 Perimeter Road SW. The YMCA, together with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and the Lance Armstrong Foundation, is offering a free 10-week strength and fitness program for cancer survivors. Participants must be finished with active treatment. For more information, contact Therese Billings, cancer survivorship director, at 206-382-7893 or

Oral cancer screenings: Through May 15, Simply Smiles by Dr. Stuart Rich, 1348 8th St. NE, Auburn. Complimentary, no obligation. Includes Velscope examination for a limited time. 253-939-6900, www.,

Sunday Strolls: 1-3 p.m. First Sundays of each month. Free walks presented by Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation Department. Roegner Park, 601 Oravetz Road S.E. 253-931-3043 or visit

“Nutrition and Cancer, Separating Fact from Fiction”: 5:30-7:30 p.m., April 30, MultiCare Regional Cancer Cente, 930 Auburn Way N. Join center dietitian Kelay E. Trentham, MS, RD, CD, and receive helpful dietary tips; learn more about the relationship between cancer and nutrition and get answers to commonly asked questions.

Yoga—Fitness for Moms and Kids: 10-11 a.m. Mondays. Cost: Free. City of Pacific Gymnasium, 122 Third Ave. S.E., Pacific. 253- 929-1155.

Dancersize Classes: 10-11 a.m. Wednesdays. Cost: Free. All ages welcome. City of Pacific Gymnasium, 122 Third Ave. S.E., Pacific. 253-929-1155.

Tiny Tots play group: 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Parent participation required. Cost: Free. City of Pacific Gymnasium, 122 Third Ave. S.E., Pacific. 253-929-1155.


Auburn Library, 1102 Auburn Way S., Auburn. 253-931-3018. Library events include:

Library card contest: Contest for kids and teens, enter April 1-30. Love your library? Design the next library card. Details at your library or


Wacky Wednesday Family Story Times: 10:15 a.m., Wednesday, April 22, 29. Ages 3-6. Stories, finger plays and funny flannel board activities!

Sleepy Story Times: 7 p.m., Thursday, April 23, 30. All ages welcome, ages 5 and younger with adult. Wear your pajamas and bring your teddy bear.

Cuentos en Español e Inglés: 7 p.m., Monday, April 27. Cuentos, rimos, y diversión para toda la famila. No hay que registrarse.

Tuesday Baby Tales & Bounces Story Times: 10:05 a.m., 11 a.m., Tuesday, April 28. Newborn to 24 months with adult. Focus is on early literacy activities with a short 15-20 minute play time afterward.

Monday Toddler ABC Story Times: 10:15 a.m., 11 a.m., Monday, April 27. Ages 2-3 with adult. Enjoy stories, action rhymes and finger plays while exploring the alphabet.


• Read Three, Get One Free: Teens, ages 12-18, can read three books, write three short reviews and get a free new paperback book. Pick up an entry form at the library or online at

• Study Zone: 4 p.m., Wednesday, April 29; 4 p.m., Thursday, April 23, 30; 2 p.m., Sunday, April 26; 5 p.m ., 5 p.m., Monday, April 20, 27; 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 28. Students in grades K-12 can drop in for free homework help from volunteer tutors.

Game On!: 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 29. Play your favorite games for the Wii, Xbox 360, GameCube and PS2.

Teen Advisory Board: Looking for enthusiastic and motivated teens to join our Teen Advisory Board (TAB). Check out for more information. Please ask at the information desk for a copy of the TAB application or download online.

Teen Book Club: Check out to see what we’re reading.

Writing Group: 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 28. Meets twice a month to do exercises and discuss our work.


• Genealogy assistance: 1 p.m., Wednesday, April 29; 1 p.m., Saturday, April 25. Volunteers from South King County Genealogical Society will answer your questions.

Friends of the Auburn Library Meeting: 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 28.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Class: 6 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays,. Presented by Green River Community College. A formal class to learn English.

Talk Time: 6:30 p.m ., Thursdays. Improve your speaking and listening skills in this free English conversation group.

Computer Classes: Please sign up at the Information Desk or call 253.931.3018. (Thursday, April 23, 10 a.m.); Word Level 1 (Thursday, April 30, 10 a.m.).

Algona-Pacific Library, 225 Ellingson Road, Pacific. 253-833-3554. Library events include:

• Read Three, Get One Free: Teens, ages 12-18, can read three books, write three short, thoughtful reviews and get a new paperback book free. Pick up an entry form at the library or online at

Children’s Book Club: 7 p.m. April 27. Ages 9-12 with adult. Call for book title.

Story Times: Preschool: Ages 3-5. Tuesdays, 11 a.m. April 28. Toddler: Ages 2-3. Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. April 28. Baby: 8-24 months. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. April 29.

Spanish Story Time: Fridays at 11 a.m. April 24. Stories, rhymes, flannel boards and fun for families.

Study Zone: 5-7pm, Wednesdays. Students in grades K-12 can drop in for free homework help from our volunteer tutor.

Read Three Get One Free: Teens, ages 12-18. Read three books, write three short reviews and get a free new paperback. Pick up entry form at library or online at

Ready-Set-Read: Elementary School Age. Students read 20 minutes a day for 20 days in one month and earn a free new paperback. Pick up entry form at library or online at

Muckleshoot Library, 39917 Auburn-Enumclaw Road S.E., Auburn. 253-931-6779. Library events include:

• Ready-Set-Read: Elementary school students, ages 5-10, can read 20 minutes per day for 20 days and earn a free book. Visit library for entry form, or see

Tales and Tunes Story Time: All ages. 11 a.m., April 29 Please join us for stories, sing-alongs and other fun activities.

Computer Classes: 7 p.m., April 23; 10 a.m., April 27. Looking to sharpen your technology skills? The library is offering computer classes covering how to access the Internet, e-mail basics and Microsoft Word and Excel.

Dance Tunes of the Alaska Gold Rush: 1 p.m., May 2. Vivian and Phil Williams present a family program that celebrates the music played in saloons and dance halls during the Alaska Gold Rush.


Auburn Chamber Lunch and Learn: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of every other month. Sponsored by Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce. Copper Falls Restaurant, 29630 Green River Road, Auburn. 253-833-0700.

Auburn Chamber “Connecting for Success” Networking Breakfast: 8-9 a.m. the second Wednesday of every month. Sponsored by the Auburn Chamber of Commerce. Cost: $5, includes continental breakfast. Auburn Area Chamber Board Room, 108 S. Division, Suite B.

Marketplace Ministries Networking Luncheon: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. the second Thursday of the month. Presented by River of Life Fellowship Church. Cost: $20 in advance; $25 at the door. Copper Falls Restaurant on the Auburn Golf Course, 29630 Green River Road S.E., Auburn.


Auburn American Legion Post 78: 7:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Veterans Memorial Building, 405 E St. N.E. 253-939-5789 or

Auburn VFW Post 1741: 7:30 p.m., fourth Tuesday of the month, 1525 A St NE, Suite 107. For information, call 253-333-2917.

Auburn Eagles Aerie/Auxiliary No. 2298: Aerie group, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays; auxiliary, 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of the month. 702 M St. S.E., Auburn. 253-833-2298 or

Auburn Elks Lodge No. 1808: 7:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month. 2402 Auburn Way N., Auburn. 253-833-1808 or

Auburn Morning Toastmasters Club No. 329: 6:30-7:30 a.m. Thursdays. Learn the fine art of communication in a supportive atmosphere. New members welcome. Rainbow Café, 112 E. Main St., Auburn. 253-288-0627.

Auburn Noon Lions Club: Noon Tuesdays. Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation building, 919 Ninth St. S.E. 253-735-5340, or

Auburn Optimist Club: Noon every other Wednesday. Visitors welcome. Lunch: Less than $10. Auburn Elks, 2402 Auburn Way N. 253-333-8840.

Auburn Rotary Club: Noon Wednesdays. Cost: $15, includes lunch. Grace Community Church, 1320 Auburn Way S., Auburn. 253-929-4656.

Auburn Valley Kiwanis: 7 a.m. Wednesdays. Auburn Parks, Arts and Recreation building, 910 Ninth St. S.E. 253-833-7086 or

Board Game Group: 7-10 p.m. every other Friday. Group plays family-friendly games including: “Settlers of Catan,” “Ticket to Ride,” “Bang!,” “Wits and Wagers,” and more. All are welcome. Cost: Free. Room 201 at Northwest Family Church, 3535 Auburn Way S., Auburn. 253 833-8252 for details.

Boy Scout Troop 401: 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Boy Scouts is an outdoor based program for boys age 11-17. Troop also has a Venture Crew associated with it for boys and girls ninth grade through age 20. Call for details. Auburn First United Methodist Church, 100 N St. S.E. 253-939-7051.

Daughters of the American Revolution, Lakota Chapter: 11:30 a.m. March 14. Topic: “Native American Use of Plants.” Valley Regional Fire Station, 1101 D St. N.E., Auburn.

Happy Hands Craft Club: 12:30-2 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Group knits and crochets lap blankets for veterans and baby hats for PICC. Auburn Valley YMCA, 1620 Perimeter Road S.W., Auburn. 253-833-2770.

Kent Guild, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center: Noon the third Friday of the month. Luncheon in members’ homes. New members welcome to join volunteer group raising funds for uncompensated care. Call for location. 253-852-7390.

Kent Lions: 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Golden Steer Rib ’n Steak House, 23826 104th Ave. S.E., Kent. 253-852-5466, or

Kiwanis Club of Auburn: Noon Thursdays. Red Lotus Restaurant, 714 Auburn Way N., Auburn.

Moms and Kids Playgroup: 10 a.m.-noon Tuesdays. Moms can hang out while the children play together. Cost: Free. Lifegate Auburn Foursquare Church, 307 E. Main St., Auburn. 253-735-3153.

Newcomers and New Friends of Greater Seattle: The second Wednesday of the month. Lunch meetings held at various locations throughout the Puget Sound. Call for details. 425-778-8608 or

Optimist Club of Auburn: Noon the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Auburn Elks Club, 2402 Auburn Way N. 253-333-8840.

Quilting Guild—Crazy Quilters of Federal Way: 6-9 p.m. the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Visitors welcome. Evergreen Lodge Retirement Home, 31002 14th Ave. S., Federal Way. 253-833-8302.

Rainier Audubon Society: 7 p.m. the third Monday of the month. Federal Way United Methodist Church, 29645 51st Ave. S., Auburn. 253-854-3207.

Rio Verde Golden K Senior Kiwanis Club: 8:30 a.m. Tuesdays. 1402 22nd St. N.E., Auburn. 253-941-8108.

Soroptimist International of Auburn: Noon Wednesdays. New members and guests welcome. Auburn Parks and Recreation Administration Building, 900 Ninth St. S.E., Auburn.

South King County Genealogical Society: 10 a.m. the third Saturday of the month. First Baptist Church of Kent, 11420 S.E. 248th St. 206-948-4286 or

Spina Bifida Association of Washington State, South King/North Pierce Counties Cluster: 7-8:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month. Organization assists families with spina bifida, educates the public, and sponsors fundraisers. All are welcome. Zion Lutheran Church, 1350 17th St. S.E., Auburn. 253-887-0888 or

Striped Water Poets: 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays. Round-table critique circle welcomes new poets and friends. Second floor at Auburn City Hall, 25 W. Main St. 253-735-1751 or

Teen MOPS: 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays. Free group for pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers. Childcare available. River of Life Fellowship, 10615 S.E. 216th St., Kent. 253-218-7420.

TV Toastmasters: Noon the second Saturday of the month. Learn how to perform both in front and in back of television cameras. Puget Sound Access, 22412 72nd Ave. S., Building C, Kent. 253-854-1312 or

Valley Newcomers: 11:30 a.m. the first Tuesday of the month. Group meets at area restaurants. Call for details, locations. 253-854-1831.

White River Valley Historical Society: 1:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month. Muckleshoot Room in the White River Valley Museum, 918 H St. S.E., Auburn. 253-288-7433.

Wind Spirit Flute Circle: 7 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month. Come explore and learn the Native American Flute. All ages and abilities welcome. Beginner lessons at 6:30 p.m. Federal Way Senior Center, 4016 S. 352nd St., Auburn. 253-568-6689 or

Public Meetings

Auburn Airport Advisory Committee: 8 a.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Northwest Aviation College, 506 23rd St. S.E.

Auburn City Council: 7:30 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month. City Council Chambers, 25 W. Main St.

Auburn Domestic Violence Task Force: Noon-2 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Auburn Library, 1102 Auburn Way S.

Auburn Finance Committee: 6:30 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month. Council Conference Room, 25 W. Main St.

Auburn Municipal Services: 5 p.m. the first and third Mondays of the month. Conference room No. 3, 25 W. Main St.

Auburn Tourism Board: 2 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. Council Conference Room, 25 W. Main St.

Senior Center Advisory Board: 10 a.m. the second Tuesday of the month. Auburn Senior Activity Center, 808 Ninth St. S.E.


Auburn Senior Activity Center, 808 Ninth St. S.E. 253-931-3016 or Senior activities include:

• Senior Coffee Hours with the Mayor and Councilmembers: 10-11 a.m. the second Thursday of the month.

• Lunch: Noon Mondays-Fridays. Registration for lunch begins at 11 a.m. Choose from soup and sandwich or the main meal menu. Cost: $3 donation for ages 60 and older; $5.75 for those younger than 60.

• Movie screenings: 12:45 p.m. Wednesdays. Refreshments provided. Cost: Free.

• Monday Supper Club: 5-6 p.m. the third Monday of the month. Cost: $5; registration required.

• Meals on Wheels: Senior Services’ Meals on Wheels program offers home-delivered meals to home-bound seniors. For more information call the Auburn Senior Center at 253-931-3016.

• Enhance Wellness Program: Registered nurse and social worker are on-site to help individuals work towards their own health and wellness goals. Call for details.


Military Family Support Meetings: Tuesday evenings. Open to spouses and adult family members of soldiers deployed, soon to leave or recently returned. Topics include deployment concerns, parenting needs, self-care and relationship challenges. Group is free of charge and confidential. Registration requested. 33301 First Way S., Federal Way. 253-661-6634, ext. 145.

USS Nitro AE-2/AE-23 Association Reunion: June 18-21. Reunion will take place in Seattle.


Auburn Domestic Violence Task Force: 12:15-1:30 p.m., Meets third Thursday of each month at the Auburn Library, 1201 Auburn Way S.

Al-Anon Family Group Meetings: 7:30 p.m. Sundays at Holy Family Catholic Church, 505 17th St. S.E., Auburn; 10:30 a.m. Mondays and Fridays, and 8 p.m. Wednesdays at First United Methodist Church, 100 N St. S.E., Auburn; 10 a.m. Saturdays in the back room of the Rainbow Cafe, 112 E. Main St., Auburn. 206-625-0000 or

The National Alliance on Mental Illness: 6:30-8 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. The Alliance Center, 515 W. Harrison St., Kent. 253-854-6264.

Auburn Foster Parent Support Group: 6:30-8:30 p.m. the first Friday of the month. Auburn Bible Chapel, 2606 R St., Auburn. 253-347-2580.

Auburn Parkinson’s Disease Support Group: 10 a.m. the first Friday of the month. Wesley Homes Lea Hill, 32049 109th Place S.E., Auburn. 253-876-6014.

Breast cancer patient support: Trained survivors offer free emotional support to the newly-diagnosed, enhancing emotional recovery while going through treatments. Will attend consultations, chemotherapy and radiation appointments and have volunteers in your community. 206-417-3484, or

Celebrate Recovery: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays. Event includes: meal, 6-7 p.m.; large group worship, 7-8 p.m.; small open group, 8-9 p.m. Twelve-step recovery program to help free people from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Cost: $3 for meal. Grace Community Church 1320 Auburn Way S., Auburn. 253-833-5660 or

Consumer Support Group: 6:30-8 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month. The Alliance Center, 515 W. Harrison St., Kent. 253-854-6264.

Domestic Violence: 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays; 1-3 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Thursdays. YWCA of South King County hosts support groups for women who have experienced domestic violence. Meets at a confidential location. 206-799-6209.

Family Law CASA of King County: Children’s needs can get lost in the dispute between separating parents. Do you want to advocate for such a child? Volunteer for Family Law CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) of King County. 206-748-9700 or

Gamblers Anonymous: For meeting times and locations, call toll-free national hotline: 888-424-3577.

Hearing Loss Association of America, South King County Chapter: 6:45 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month. Auburn Senior Center, 808 Ninth St. S.E., Auburn.

Medical coverage assistance: Public Health Seattle & King County provides free assistance applying for benefits, including free or low-cost medical coverage for qualifying children. Call for details. English: 206-296-3944; Spanish: 206-296-3948 or 206-296-3943; Vietnamese: 206-296-3949.

SHIBA Helpline: Statewide Heath Insurance Benefits Advisors is a network of trained volunteers that assists and advocates for consumer rights and options regarding health insurance, health care access and prescription access. Group is also accepting volunteers. 800-562-6900 or

South King County PFLAG: 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month. Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays meetings are confidential. Group is not associated with any religious organizations. Unitarian-Universalist Church, 25701 14th Place S., Des Moines. 206-325-7724.

South King County CHADD chapter: 7-9 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month. Discussion of issues that concern parents of children with attention-deficit disorder. New Horizon School, 1111 S. Carr Road, Renton. 253-631-8603.

Tobacco Cessation Group: 5:15-6:15 p.m. Wednesdays. Cost: Free to Auburn Valley YMCA members. Auburn Valley YMCA, 1620 Perimeter Road S.W., Auburn. 253-833-2770, ext. 7302, or

WICS (Widowed Information and Consultation Services) Grief Support Group: 7 p.m. Tuesdays. Grief support group for adult widows and widowers offering support, information and social activities. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 25810 156th Ave. S.E., Covington. 253-630-0324.

Women’s Cancer Support Group: 7-8:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month. Meetings include open discussion with occasional special guests speaking on topics relating to cancer survivors. Conference Room 1 at MultiCare Clinic, 17700 S.E. 272nd St., Covington. 253-372-7293.


Angel Care Breast Cancer Foundation: Breast cancer survivors needed to provide support for others battling cancer. Must be one year past the end of treatments and have good interpersonal skills. 206-417-3484, 877-417-3484 (toll-free), or

Auburn Regional Medical Center Gift Shop: The medical center’s auxiliary is seeking a volunteer gift shop manager to welcome customers, manage store inventory and arrange volunteer staff scheduling. Volunteer must be 18 or older. Gift shop hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. Call for application or more details. Auburn Regional Medical Center, 1413 S. 348th St., Federal Way. 253-833-7711, ext. 1259.

Auburn Meals on Wheels: Auburn Senior Center seeks volunteer packers and drivers for Meals on Wheels, Thursdays and Fridays, about four hours per week. Mileage for drivers reimbursed. Call for details. 253-931-3016 or

Adopt-a-Park: Auburn’s Adopt-a-Park program is seeking individuals and groups to help keep the city’s parks and streetscapes healthy and vibrant. 253-931-3043.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound: Seeking adult mentors to spend time with children. Agency offers flexible program to fit volunteers’ schedules and interests, and plans activities such as snow tubing on Snoqualmie Pass, hiking adventures in the Cascades, and tickets to Mariners games. Call or see Web site for details. 877-700-2447 or

Childhaven: Volunteers needed to work with abused, neglected and alcohol- or drug-impacted children ages 1 month to 5 years in the therapeutic child-care classrooms. Volunteers must be 18 or older, commit to a two-hour time block per week, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, commit to volunteering for six months, have proof of a negative tuberculosis test and pass a criminal background check. Patrick L. Gogerty Branch, 1345 22nd Ave. N.E., Auburn. 206-957-4839 or

Friend to Friend: Volunteers needed to visit adults in nursing homes, assisted living and retirement homes throughout King and Snohomish counties. Volunteers commit to visit about twice a month for one year. 206-246-5150.

Green River Community College: College seeks volunteers in a variety of areas: ceramics, basic computing, court reporting and more. Professional experience is not required. 253-288-3346 or

Highline Hospice: Hospice is recruiting caring and compassionate people interested in supporting terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers provide patient support and companionship, caregiver respite, bereavement support or office help. Comprehensive training provided. Highline Hospice, 12844 Military Road S., Tukwila. 206-439-9095.

Multiple Sclerosis Association of King County: MSA of King County is looking for people to assist those with MS in maintaining their independence and quality of life. People are needed to assist with water-therapy programs, visit isolated individuals, provide transportation, go shopping, do yard work or other household chores, teach computer skills and more. Call for details, locations. 206-633-2606 or

Puget Sound Blood Center: Assist with blood drives and bone marrow registry drives. Must be available in the day or early evening twice a month and have reliable transportation. 425-462-4381, or

Red Cross Disaster Action Team: American Red Cross is seeking King County volunteers to respond to local disasters. Volunteers must be on-call one week out of six, and will receive free training. 206-726-3566 or

Special Transportation Program: Group Health Cooperative needs volunteer drivers to transport frail, elderly members to and from medical appointments in King County. Volunteers use their personal cars, are reimbursed for mileage and determine their own schedules, including when, where and how often they will drive. Volunteers do not need to be Group Health members. 206-326-2800 or

Stitches from the Heart: Volunteers are needed to knit, crochet or quilt blankets, sweaters, hats and booties for babies in need. Items go to hospitals across the country. Patterns available. Donations of yarn or money also appreciated. Call for details. 866-472-6903, or

United Way of King County volunteer readers: Volunteers needed to read one-on-one with young children at preschools, Head Start classrooms and child care centers throughout King County. Shifts needed in Auburn are 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 11 a.m.-noon Wednesdays. ACAP Child and Family Services, 526 12th St. S.E., Auburn. 206-461-3656 or

White River Valley Museum and Mary Olson Farm: Museum is seeking volunteers for jobs including cleaning and cataloging artifacts, leading school tours, greeting visitors and staffing the gift shop. Docent positions require a minimum three-hour afternoon shift per month, as well as attendance at quarterly lectures and annual training. Volunteer tour guides for school groups must be available during October, November, April and May. All volunteers receive training. Application and background check required. 253-804-5010.


Sococulture: For information about cultural events throughout South King County, visit

Cougar Mountain Zoo’s Wildlife Theatre Show: 1: 30 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Admission: $8-$11. Cougar Mountain Zoo, 19525 S.E. 54th, Issaquah.

Wine, Women, Wow: 6-10 p.m., May 8, ShoWare Center, 625 W. James St. Now celebrating its fourth year, the all-girl event provides an evening out for women to try different wines, shop from more than 50 women-owned businesses, visit with their moms and girlfriends, and enjoy a little pampering. Proceeds from ticket sales for the nonprofit event will benefit the Kent Downtown Partnership and the YWCA’s Domestic Violence Program. 253-813-6976,