Auburn Mayor Lewis, Councilmember Peloza receive advanced certification from AWC

Auburn Mayor Pete Lewis and City Councilmember Bill Peloza recently received the Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML) from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC).

Auburn Mayor Pete Lewis and City Councilmember Bill Peloza recently received the Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML) from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC).

Lewis and Peloza have completed more than 60 hours of training credits to earn the distinction and demonstrated valuable service to their community.

To earn the certificate, they have attended a variety of AWC-sponsored municipal workshops, including sessions on budgeting, community planning, personnel and leadership. The courses help the mayors and councilmembers learn the essentials of municipal service and improve their ability to work with council colleagues, city staff and citizens.

The CML program is designed to enhance the ability of elected municipal officials by providing knowledge and skills to effectively operate within the law, plan for the future, secure and manage funds and foster community and staff relationships.

Lewis serves as chairman of Association of Washington Cities Economic Development and Infrastructure sub-committee, vice chairman of the King County Regional Policy Committee. He serves as a member on the Valley Communications Center (Valley Com) Board, Suburban Cities Association (SCA), Public Issues Committee of SCA, past chairman, Green River Valley Flood Control District, South County Area Transportation Board, Pierce County Cities and Towns Forum, Valley Cities Association and the South Correctional Entity.

In addition, Lewis is a member of U.S. Conference of Mayors Transportation Committee, International Trade Committee and Amtrak Advisory Board.

Peloza is chairman of the Municipal Services Committee and vice chairman of the Public Works Committee and has served on the Finance Committee and LEOFF Board. In addition, Peloza serves on the following regional committees: National League of Cities; Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Steering Committee; King County Regional Water Quality Committee (RWQC) and is the RWQC caucus chairman of the Suburban Cities Association; King County Metropolitan Solid Waste Advisory Committee; King County Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee and King County Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA 9 – Green/Duwamish & Central Puget Sound Watershed) Management and Watershed Ecosystem Forum (Co-Chair) Committees; and Peloza serves as an alternate member to the King County Flood Control District Advisory Committee.

As a Council Project, Peloza organized the Auburn International Farmers Market. The market concluded its successful 2009 first season in downtown Auburn and continues strong today.

About AWC

AWC is a private, non-profit, non-partisan corporation that represents Washington’s cities and towns before the state legislature, the state executive branch, and with regulatory agencies.

Membership is voluntary; however, AWC maintains 100-percent participation from Washington’s 281 cities and towns. The goal of AWC is to create and maintain livable cities and towns throughout the state.