Supermall Way’s name to change to Outlet Collection Way

Mall owners to make change in line with renaming of former Supermall

The rebranding effort continues at the mall.

Glimcher Properties, which recently changed the name of the SuperMall to Outlet Collection|Seattle, is about to make another change.

Walkers and drivers, get ready to tool no longer along Supermall Way but along Outlet Collection Way.

Glimcher recently made its pitch to the City’s Planning and Community Development Committee.

Because Glimcher’s request includes private street names that service the mall and commercial properties around its perimeter, people should also keep their eyeballs peeled for Supermall Way to morph Outlet Collection Way.

And, of course, all those signs in the City and on state highways directing the traveler Supermall-ward must henceforward and forever more direct him or her Outlet Collection-ward.

Right now, the City is planning to coordinate the sign changes so they’re all made in August.

The City will notify the owners of all the affected properties. Glimcher also plans to reach out to them.

“The response we have gotten from police and fire is that not only will this be OK, but that it will work out really well,” said Jeff Tate, interim planning director for the City of Auburn.

All of the surrounding streets were named Supermall Way in the original plans, Tate said, and the signage change will allow for finer distinctions.

The cost to the City is expected to be minimal, being limited mainly to administrative costs, Tate said.

The full Auburn City Council is expected to vote on the change later this month.